We are thrilled to announce this AKC French Bulldog litter. Taffy is a very small female Blue Merle. This most likely will be her last litter. She is a very sweet tempered mom. We chose our boy Hershey to breed with her. He is a chocolate perfectly structured male, with a lovable personality.
Pricing of puppies are listed in description of each pup and is according to sex of pup male or female, color, pattern, etc. Structure, temperament are always a given, we take great pride in researching before a match for breeding ever takes place. Breeding rights are not included with pups. Rights can be obtained after interview and understanding of knowledge and housing for your vision.
All pups come with age appropriate vaccinations from vet with records and AKC registration. 30 days pet health insurance from trupanion. 1 year limited health guarantee.
HERE ARE THE AVAILABLE PUPS. Pictures will be added each week to each pup all the way up to when they are reserved or sold.
Female – Faith Lilac Merle Her coloring and marking make her standout. She will definitely be the talk of conversations. She will be 5500.
Male Deacon – at this point, he is our biggest boy. He has a solid Blue over coat with extremely small amount of white under chest.. Definitely a show stopper. His whole body is just so perfectly colored and marked. He is 4500
Male Bishop – this beautiful boy is blue with a small amount of white on chest. His body is smaller like his mother unless in weaning he takes off in growth. He will be 4500.
This is the Mother Taffy
This is Hershey a very proud Farther